Junior Information Sheet

Our junior club consists of children aged 5-12 years (primary and intermediate age groups), playing in Friday night and Saturday morning competitions.

Friday Night Kiwi Cricket

Members aged 5-8 years (Year 1-4) participate in Kiwi Cricket, an introductory version of the game, which provides the opportunity to have fun, to learn and practice fundamental cricket skills, and to use these skills in a real game situation using a yellow plastic ball,

Matches are held at varying venues each Friday night of the season 5.30pm (players need to arrive by 5.15pm) to approximately 7pm. Families are encouraged to come along, bring a picnic and enjoy the games.

Saturday Hardball Cricket

Members aged 9-12 years (Year 5-8) participate in Saturday cricket, which involves playing with a 142g leather hard ball. Year 5 & 6 teams play 8-a-side to build their confidence with the harder ball, while years 7 & 8 play a more structured 9-a-side game. The number of overs played varies from 24 to 30 dependent on the age grade of players.

Saturday matches commence at 9am for years 5-6 and 10am for 7-8 each Saturday morning of the season,(be punctual and arrive a half hour earlier) and usually finish between 12 and 1pm (depending on number of overs being played). Venues will vary. Families are encouraged to come along, bring a picnic, and enjoy the games.


Hamilton Boys High School provides their front field with nets (pavilion and indoor) and artificial wickets for practices on Monday to Thursday afternoons of the season from 4.30pm to 6.00pm.

Please note that senior club bookings are Tuesday and Thursday 5.30 – 7.00 indoor nets. The final team practice dates and venues will be determined by the team coach/managers and may be held at different venues and times.


The competitions usually commence a week after school commences in terms 1 and 4 with term 1 being completed late March and term 4 mid-December.

The club will hold a prize-giving event in December (date to be advised). Players and their families are welcome.


Children need to play in the club shirt and cap provided, white shorts (Friday) / white pants (Saturday) and suitable footwear (sneakers of any color).

We will issue a Hamilton Old Boys Cricket Club shirt and cap to players. The uniforms will be available at the first opportunity for distribution. If you need to pick up a uniform please contact the Junior Administrator.


The club provides Game/practice gear bag and balls.

Once your child is playing hardball cricket, we recommend they purchase their own gear, especially a helmet. The club provides one helmet per team. If your child has gear of their own (bats, gloves, pads etc) we encourage them to bring these to practices and games as it is difficult for us to supply gear that will cater for all sizes. Protective gear must be worn while batting and wicket keeping.

If you would like advice for buying the correct size cricket bat, or other gear please contact our Junior Administrator.

It is responsibly of all players to provide their own sunscreen and hand sanitizer.


Our cricket season runs for the calendar year (Term One and Term 4 is a junior calendar year).

Subscription per child is:

Friday players– $75.00
Saturday players– $85.00
As well as a one off $25 enrolment fee

Fees are required to be paid upon confirmation of team placement and payable to Hamilton Old Boys Cricket Club, Westpac: 03-1557-0033218-000. Please use your child’s name and team name as reference.

Team Organisation and Coaches

We rely on voluntary parental involvement. Team parents- as a group, parents are asked to lend a hand when possible. Please ask your coach on how you can best help out. Parents may need to supervise the team on the sideline, administer first aid when necessary, and report any incidents to the Junior Administrator.

Team Coach- involves attending practice sessions each week, and team organisation of players and organisation of umpiring/scoring at games with assistance from a team manager.

Teams cannot be registered without a coach- please consider whether you are able to help out with your child’s team.


Draws will be distributed to team management when they become available and will be posted on the Hamilton Cricket Website.


For practices and games, we recommend the best policy is to either check with the coach, or alternatively arrive at the venue prepared to play.

For Saturday morning games if you think the weather is marginal, please check on the Hamilton Cricket Facebook page, www.facebook.com/hamiltoncricketassoc. Cancellations will be posted by 7:45am on Saturday morning on both Facebook and our website, www.hamiltoncricket.co.nz

For games played on Friday evenings, notification of cancellation is done via schools and clubs. Schools and clubs have requested that they be notified by Hamilton Cricket no later than 1.00pm on the day.

We acknowledge that any weather deterioration later in the afternoon creates some uncertainty as to whether the game will be played. We recommend the best policy is to either check with your coach or manager, or alternatively arrive at the venue prepared to play.


You will be informed of your team coach’s name and contact details once teams are organized for the season ahead.

Other Opportunities

From time to time the club will run development session, holiday programs and pre-season trainings.

As we usually have teams in all junior age groups, we are able to progress children faster or slower than their chronological age group if this is deemed best for their cricket development.

For all Other Enquiries Contact

Rupert and Janice
HOBCC Junior Administrator
Rupert 027 444 6631
Janice 022 061 160

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Information Sheet

Hamilton Old Boys Cricket Club

HOBCC now consists of five senior teams and more than a dozen junior teams, catering to all ages and abilities.

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