The Old Boys Cricket Club will be holding our AGM on Thursday 28th June at 6.00 pm at the Club rooms at HBHS.
So you will see from the attachment (AGM Agenda) that in the first instance you are invited to
- Put forward a suitable candidate for the Board (information on this follows)
- Nominate an auditor (information follows)
- Nominate a Patron (information follows)
- Submit matters for consideration under General Business.
- Sue Hassall (HBHS Headmaster) has been our patron for many years and is available to continue to do so.
- Chad Britton (Chartered Accountant) has prepared these financials and is available to act as auditor again.
As we have 2 Board members standing down;
- Jason Perrett and Devon Mace and another who has left the club Mike Wallace there is no requirement for rotation so the remaining 5 current
Board members will remain on the Board and they are:
- Jake Harvey
- Janice Fraser
- Mike Rowland
- Josh Reid and
- Rupert Hodgson.
Therefore we have a maximum of 3 positions vacant. At this stage we have had expressions of interest from Charlotte Sarsfield; Ben Anderson and Rishi Chadha.